Friday, October 2, 2009


I was walking to my car today after class and I walked through something that changed my whole day.  I go to school at the ASU downtown campus and I have to walk about 7 blocks to get to my car from my classes.  I often walk through the Arizona Center, which has lots of restaurants, business offices and a nicely landscaped courtyard area.  It's usually pretty quiet with not much going on but today it was really crowded.  As I was walking through all of the commotion and looking around at all of the people, I suddenly felt happy.  There were people laughing and eating lunch together on the restaurant patios, people reading books on benches, a grandma playing with her grandson, several guys throwing a football back and forth, and other people just sitting and enjoying the nice weather we've been blessed with.  I felt like I was walking through a movie or a postcard where everyone looks so happy and everyone gets along with each other and you feel like the world is at peace.  It was so cool because I was in the middle of downtown, with cars driving by and the whole city busy at work, and yet everything seemed so calm and safe.  I think there is so much negativity in our lives and it becomes too easy to look past the beauty of each day and to celebrate each day for what it is.  If I had been focused on what all I needed to get done today or too busy thinking about other things, I might have missed the beauty of that moment.  Walking through the Arizona Center made me happy because I saw people, some probably strangers to each other, getting along and enjoying life together.  I think we have to create hope and happiness in our lives and encourage others when they're feeling down.  I thank God for each day that He gives me...I don't want to ever take my life for granted.  In the words of Shauna Niequist (author of Cold Tangerines - great book!!!), "I want my everyday to make God belly laugh, glad that he gave life to someone who loves the gift, who will use it up and wring it out and drag it around like a favorite sweater."  Being joyful is contagious...have you spread any around today?

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